12 Jewelry Bloggers you will want to follow

12 Jewelry Bloggers You’ll Want to Follow

You no longer have to book a flight to Paris or scalp tickets to NYFW to scout the newest fashion developments. Thanks to twelve amazing jewelry bloggers, you can keep up with top jewelry trends right from your fingertips.  Whether you’re a novice or an expert, these jewelry bloggers will bring you valuable insight and amazing jewelry inspiration.  Visit their sites now and you’ll see what I mean! These are the actual jewelry bloggers behind the sites.  When you are done have some fun shopping for jewelry or jewelry cleaner.  

The Jewelry Bloggers

The Jewelry Bloggers

Gem a Porter Jewelry Blogger
  1. Liza @ Gemologue by Liza Urla

Liza is a multicultural jewelry blogger and professional gemologist.  Her blog is exceptional – and not just because of its super cool title.   It is professionally pieced together and is presented in English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian.  She travels the world to document her jewelry findings and interviews A-list celebrities, designers, and fashion models.  In this blog, you will see beautiful imagery of Liza modeling all types of jewelry. Congratulations on the Best Fashion Blog in the UK Blog Awards this year Liza.

Daniele Miele Gem Gossip Jewelry Blogger
  1. Daniele Miele @ Gem Gossip

Blog creator, Danielle Miele, documents jewelry she finds during her travels.  Her jewelry photos are clean and refreshing.  Her blog covers a variety of topics such as jewelry trends, in-depth designer interviews, antique jewelry, and celebrity jewelry.  From the looks of her selection, it is apparent that she has a passion for rings.  There is a section dedicated to rings titled “Show Me Your Rings.”

Diamonds in the Library Jewelry Blog
  1. Becky @ Diamonds in the Library

Becky, the creator of Diamonds in the Library, has a passion for both jewelry and literature.  The content of her blog posts are very practical and informative.  She includes topics such as jewelry sizing and Etsy buying guides for jewelry.  She also includes reviews and personal experience about jewelry, online jewelry retailers, and even brick & mortar jewelry stores.  With a professional background in writing and literature, Becky is a superb writer.  Her posts are clever and fun to read.  In addition to blogging about jewelry, she often posts book reviews - giving meaning to the name “Diamonds in the Library.”

Wendy Brandes Jewelry Blogger
  1. Wendy Brandes

Jewelry Blogger Wendy Brandes is a fine jewelry designer.  She writes all about her jewelry inspirations. Her posts are personable and include a great deal of interesting history stories.  Wendy is a firm believer that you should be creative, break the traditional fashion rules, and wear what you want!  


Jewels du Jour Jewelry Blogger
  1. Natalie @ Jeweles Du Jour

Natalie at Jeweles Du Jour highlights a variety of topics in the jewelry world.  When you visit her blog, you can learn about jewelry shows, antique jewelry, trends, designers, jewelry books, auctions, and much more.  This blog is highly organized and packed with all kinds of interesting reads.  Love the work Natalie.

The Carrot Box Rings Jewelry Blog
  1. Alice Matsumoto @ The Carrotbox

This blog is solely dedicated to rings - all types of rings! Alice Matsumoto showcases styles that range from bold and sophisticated to cute and charming.  You will find the most unique collections of rings on this blog.  

Cathleen The Jewelry Loupe Blogger
  1. Cathleen McCarthy @ The Jewelry Loupe

Former contributing editor for several high-profile magazines, Jewelry Blogger Cathleen McCarthy is highly knowledgeable in the field of jewelry and art. In her blog, she writes about jewelry auctions, jewelry advice for men, expert tips, contemporary and traditional jewelry pieces, and much more. Her blog is geared towards all jewelry lovers, designers, and experts.

Cheryl Kremkow Jewelry Blogger
  1. Cheryl Kremkow

Cheryl's blog is polished and highly organized. She writes about celebrity jewelry, jewelry design, and jewelry trends. In the jewelry design section, she discusses the most innovative jewelry on the market like wearable smart jewelry.

Katherine Adventure Jewelry Blog
  1. Katherine @ Katherine's Jewelry Adventures

Katherine lives in Hamburg, Germany and has a self-proclaimed obsession with jewelry. She owned a large collection of jewelry but she found herself wearing the same jewelry pieces over and over. She came up with a challenge: Wear a different piece of jewelry every weekday for one year. In this blog, you can follow Katherine's jewelry adventures.

Roos Anne can Dorsten Moderosa Jewelry Blog
  1. Roos-Anne van Dorsten @ ModeRosa

Roos-Anne is a fashion blogger and trendsetter from the Netherlands. In her posts, she models fashionable clothes and jewelry. In the captions below the photos, she lists the brand names of her clothes and accessories. This blog is great for fashion inspiration.

Jasmine Howell Friend in Fashion Jewelry Blogger
    1. Jasmine Howell @ Friend in Fashion
      Fashion and travel blogger Jasmine Howell is very popular on social media outlets.  Jasmine frequently posts photos her latest fashion findings and travel adventures.  On her site, you can shop her collection of magnificent fine jewelry.
Bold Color Glass Jewelry Blog
  1. Zsuzsi and Reka @ Bold Color Glass
    Bloggers Zsuzsi and Reka run a glass jewelry business out of Hungary in Europe.  They write about global design, lifestyle, and feature interviews with interesting designers.
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