What is the best way to buy expensive jewelry on a budget?
Premeditated jewelry purchases are used for pieces that will put a large dent in the savings account. Things like engagement rings can take a considerable bite out of your wallet, so it's a wise idea to prepare for a jewelry purchase, particularly if your income is limited. Almost everyone falls into that category!! -
What will be the jewelry trend forecast for 2021?
If you're in the habit of regularly buying new jewelry, you'll want to make sure that those new pieces are going to be fashion-forward enough to actually wear them regularly. We've been keeping a close eye on the fashion runways. What will be the fashion trends for 2021? Well, read on and find out all about it! Silver Shines Bright Gold allows you to... -
What are some jewelry cleaning life hacks that I need to know?
When it comes to keeping your jewelry clean and looking amazing you'll find information everywhere, but what are some legitimate points that are so good that they can be classified as full-blown jewelry cleaning life hacks? We've listed 6 jewelry cleaning tips and tricks that you definitely can't do without!